Custom Cartooning

When stock cartoons just won't do, let me create custom cartoons for you. Here are just a few examples:

Illustrations and Layouts for Print-on-Demand Books and Ebooks

Here is a book that was designed to prepare high school students for college admission tests for vocabulary. I did both the cover, inside illustrations and promotional art for this book:

Here is a book where the author tries to demonstrate hidden religious meanings behind popular nursery rhymes. I did both the cover and the inside illustrations.

Here is a cartoon book I laid out for another cartoonist and I designed the cover.

I can also create animated cartoon videos. I can create all kinds of custom cartoons for use in advertising, employee motivation materials, custom greeting cards for business prospects, calendars which keep your name in front of customers for a full year, office party posters, posters or cartoons for presentations, and more.

For publishers I can create illustrations for magazine covers or articles, or custom cartoons from your ideas.

Whatever you need consult with me and we can discuss your project. The consultation is free, of course.

Contact Ron Coleman. . .